Monday, August 9, 2010

Demographic report release date: 10.10.10!

We are going to be releasing a demographic report like none other on the internet. It will be more comprehensive than any other. We will go deeper into social issues of hundreds of cities and have detailed profiles for each. We will also cover areas such as affordability, social issues, and more!

It will be on the AGNXNetworks main site on 10.10.10! Please check it out then!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

AGNX Networks Main launched!


The new has been launched! It launched on the awesome date (US format) of 08.09.10!!!!

Please click here to view it now!

The euro/intl. people will get thier own special treat for thier date formatted awesomeness as well! to make up for it ;-)

registrations to the site are limited for now. I will activate your accounts as soon as I can.